Archive | March 2014

DJ Cooke – concept kitchen future

You love music and can not do without it? It raises your mood? With this device it is possible if you are cooking for a long time and are away from your entertainment center! The DJ Cooker is optimized for this sensory duo with a built-in mp3 player protruding from the side of the hotplate. When you begin heating your ingredients you may select a track from the stored song library in the small peripheral disc. To the beat of that tune, the DJ Cooker shakes your dish to ensure that every diced morsel is evenly fried. Cooktop appliance comprises a single circular element with a knob in the center and a special frying pan that connects to it. The joint keeps the skillet perfectly centered and anchors it in place for a rather unexpected feature. You can download different kinds of music from the internet and install it to DJ Cooker. Listen, create or compose different rhythms while cooking. How do you like such an unusual idea?

Future technology DJ Cooke - concept  kitchen  future

Designer : Kevin Li Jinhui

Future technology DJ Cooke - concept  kitchen  future

Future technology DJ Cooke - concept  kitchen  future

Future technology DJ Cooke - concept  kitchen  future

Future technology DJ Cooke - concept  kitchen  future

Future technology DJ Cooke - concept  kitchen  future

Future technology DJ Cooke - concept  kitchen  future

Future technology DJ Cooke - concept  kitchen  future

Future technology DJ Cooke - concept  kitchen  future

Innovative LCD Induction Cooktop
Culinary cooking future
Smart power supply
New technology devices
Future technologies
MP3 Player Innovative Concept
Future music player 2020

Exotic iPhone: bracelet and signet

And how will look like cell phones in the near future? New form factors do not appear for a long time, but if the world is seeking a more comfortable gadgets, even mobile phones in the coming years can expect a rebirth. Predicts a small revolution in its futuristic concept iPhone Italian artist Federico Ciccarese. It turns out that wearing the iPhone in your pocket or purse is not too wise and no convenient. We must make sure that any sharp objects will not scratch the way the phone. Therefore, Federico proposes to carry iPhone in hand, the phone is made on the original design, it’s a cross between a bracelet and a glove.

Future technology Exotic iPhone: bracelet and signet

In order to secure the phone in the palm of your hand, you need to stretch between the fingers of metal (aluminum, I suppose) holders, the screen will fit comfortably on the back side. Specifications futuristic iPhone author did not mention, judging by the illustrations, screen size is three inches, with a matrix of class Retina its resolution of approximately 480 800 pixels. And, of course, there is a powerful processor Apple A5X, as posted on the front camera for video on the Facetime. The renderings look amazing, and we love the sci-fi look of the thing, but the creepiness and probable discomfort created by the legs make it a non-starter.
What do you think of Federico Ciccarese’s concept iPhone ?
Design Federico Ciccarese

In order to secure the phone in the palm of your hand, you need to stretch between the fingers of metal (aluminum, I suppose) holders, the screen will fit comfortably on the back side. Specifications futuristic iPhone author did not mention, judging by the illustrations, screen size is three inches, with a matrix of class Retina its resolution of approximately 480    800 pixels. And, of course, there is a powerful processor Apple A5X, as posted on the front camera for video on the Facetime. The renderings look amazing, and we love the sci-fi look of the thing, but the creepiness and probable discomfort created by the legs make it a non-starter.

you need to stretch between the fingers of metal (aluminum, I suppose) holders

you need to stretch between the fingers of metal (aluminum, I suppose) holders

In order to secure the phone in the palm of your hand, you need to stretch between the fingers of metal (aluminum, I suppose) holders

Future technology Exotic iPhone: bracelet and signet

Future technology Exotic iPhone: bracelet and signet

iPhone 5 Concept
Future of Cell Phones
Future of technology
Cell phone holograms


Google’s Instant Translators Could Become The Universal Tongue


Google likes to create things that gather data, which can be used to determine intent and for all kinds of profitable purposes. There’s no bigger fish in that pond than the Babel fish – that invention of Douglas Adams’ in his Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy series that instantly translates one language to another to make communication seamless. That’s because Google would be processing literally everything a person says to another (at least while travelling), which adds up to a lot of mineable data.

Google is working on exactly that kind of invention, according to a report from The Times today. Hugo Barra, Google’s VP of Android Product Management, told The Times that Google plans to make real-time translation devices that will translate language for simple conversation across language barriers. Already the system is “near-perfect” between some languages, Barra says, especially in environments where there is no background noise to confuse the input detection.

Google already offers Google Translate, which offers text translation, as well as entire webpage translation on the web. The goal now is to make instant back-and-forth conversation translation a practical, usable reality that can make it possible for someone to accomplish everything they need to in an unfamiliar language without learning a lick of it. As with most sci-fi staples, however, Google says this is likely still several years away from becoming a shipping product.

For Google, whose efforts include Google Now, the personal assistant and automated digital planner that aspires to anticipate your every need, building an instant human translation engine is not a surprising move. What’s surprising is that it works “perfectly” in certain conditions right now, and that we could all be walking around talking into one in just a few years time, which means it’ll be here before we know it. Time is an illusion, after all; lunchtime doubly so.

Google Kills Google+ Local For iOS, App Now Pulled From iTunes App Store


According to a report circulating the web, Google is officially retiring its Google+ Local application for iOS as of August 7. However, as far as we can tell, the app has already been removed from Apple’s iTunes App Store, and links pointing to the app, when clicked, provide the message that “the item you’ve requested is not currently available in the U.S. store.”

The report being cited by a number of publications is based on 9to5Mac’s blog post, which refers to an email sent in by a tipster. We’ve also obtained a copy of the email, as well, forwarded to us by Mark Traphagen who had posted about the app’s closure on Google+. (See full email below).

In the email, Google explains that the Google+ Local app on iOS will be retired on August 7, as the updated version of the Google Maps app can now offer a number of the functions the Local app once provided, including the ability to search by categories of places, read place information, reviews, pricing, and addresses, plus the ability to rate, review and share the places you’ve been to and discover.

In addition, the email says that after August 7, users would no longer be able to access the Google+ Local app on their iOS device, but any reviews and ratings created would be available on both their Google+ profile and within the Google Maps app for iOS.

However, the actual link to the app from a Google Search result or other webpage is currently broken. In addition, a search inside the iOS App Store for all Google apps shows that the app is no longer available there. (Though we did spot what appears to be a beta test of something called Google Coordinate. Oops, that’s an enterprise product. We knew that.)

9to5Mac’s blog post uses an App Store affiliate link to point to the Google+ Local app, and this is now redirecting users who click to the Google Maps iOS application instead.

We’ve reached out to Google to confirm the situation, but it seems pretty apparent, as is. Google+ Local for iOS is no more, even though it’s not yet August 7. (Update: Google confirms the app is being retired.)

Though much of the functionality has now made it over to Google Maps, the Local app was useful for its singular focus, which made it an easy-access tool for local listings. Maps is a more robust, feature-rich application, which doesn’t always work best when you’re in need of speed. But the Local app hadn’t been getting much attention in recent weeks, leading to several negative App Store reviews where users complained. One even said the project “has been put on the back burner” and Google should “just get rid of it.”

And so it seems Google did.

Under the Larry Page era at Google, the company has been busy streamlining its product lineup and areas of development, with a heavy emphasis on its social platform, Google+. Already, Google+ had absorbed Local on the web, but the Google+ iOS app doesn’t yet contain “Local” as an option in the sidebar, which is why the email likely pointed users to the Google Maps flagship application instead of both it and the Google+ app.

Not only was Google+ Local a duplicate of functionality that is better served elsewhere, the app itself was struggling to gain adoption. The app had less than a 1 percent reach across U.S. iPhone users, reports Onavo Insights. In June, less than 0.75 percent of U.S. iPhone users opened the app at least once, compared with nearly 35 percent who opened Google Maps.

Below, the full email below Google sent Google+ Local users:

PadGadget’s Flashback Friday: Retro Oceanhorn Gets iCloud Support


OK, so Oceanhorn is not a classic game. It only came out about five months ago. But, it is a retro game themed after the hugely popular Legend of Zelda series of games. Games that will never be officially allowed on iOS. Instead of crying over the lack of Link, Oceanhorn’s creators decided to make their own tale, complete with breakable flowerpots, tall grass that hid gems, and secret passageways that can’t be opened until you’ve discovered something else in another place.

This week, Oceanhorn received its first major update, which brings multiple language options and iCloud support. Now, you can sync your game across multiple devices and pick it up anytime.


For fans of the Zelda franchise, Oceanhorn can best be described as similar to Legend of Zelda: The Wind Walker, which came out in 2002 on GameCube. It has the same game mechanics. Players collect pieces of hearts and master keys. Players traverse from one island to another by boat.

The game’s dungeon layouts are homage to the Zelda franchise and enemies are strangely familiar for having been seen for the first time when you go ashore.


This week’s update brings with it Korean and Russian language options and, the big news, iCloud support. Players can now sync saved games across all devices. Play on your iPad before work, take the game onto the bus on your iPhone, and sneak a few moments of play during your meeting on your iPad mini. Just keep the volume down or you might get caught.

Oceanhorn is available on the iPad, iPhone and iPod touch for $8.99. Download it in the App Store today.

iDog Clinics Use iPad to Teach Dogs to Read

iDog Clinic

We all know someone like it. That person who buys Halloween costumes for their dog or brings their pet with them literally everywhere they go (literally). Maybe it is a friend. Maybe it is a family member. Maybe it is you. It shouldn’t be a surprise, then, that there is such a thing as a course on teaching your dog how to use an iPad. Because there is.

According to The Guardian, there is such a thing in foggy London town called iDog clinics. In these classes, pet owners can teach their furry friends to take “selfies,” read words on a screen, and even create their own masterpiece by using a specially designed painting app.

The creators of the iDog clinics, Anna Jane Grossmand and Nicole Stott, decided to create these iPad and pet sessions as a way of helping owners and their four-legged friends make a deeper connection.

“These courses are about having fun together, developing the bond between you and your dog, and refining your training skills. Plus you will walk away with a cool party trick,” promises Stott, while Grossman is quick to point out that we are not here to teach our dogs to do useful things, such as online banking.”

City Dog is in the process of developing an app that is specifically designed to help your pet use an iPad. For now, the group uses such paw-friendly apps as Big Camera Button, App for Dog – Puppy Painting, and Big Words.

iDog Clinic 2

That’s right. You can successfully train your pup to take a selfie with its nose, paint an abstract picture with its paw, and react a the visual cue of the word “Sit.”

“So many of our clients love to spoil their dogs with material stuff, but their dogs don’t care about all that. What they really want is mental stimulation. They want to play,” Grossman says. “We’re teaching owners how to get engagement from their dogs, which is the foundation for all dog training.

Cats, on the other hand, are the complete opposite. Believe me, I’ve tried to stimulate my cat’s interest in a variety of fish and laser pointer apps. He just looks at me like I’m stupid and pretentiously saunters away.

Tell Me Santa- Let your kids believe in Santa Claus

Christmas is a day of celebrations and especially kids are more crazy for making demands from Santa Claus about their Christmas gifts. An adult has another vision about Santa Clause and they understand the facts, yet kids live in fantasy world. So to let your kid have stronger believe on Santa Claus and Christmas gifts, download Tell me Santa app.

Tell me Santa app is the greatest gift of Christmas for the kids. This app can be downloaded on your Android devices, iPad and iPhone. Your kids will be able to ask for the smaller gifts from the Santa Claus. Tell me Santa app is designed for each child in which they can listen to their personalised stories and order gifts of their own choices, by recording video messages. In order to make surprise for the kids, download this app for free.

Tell me Santa app will require configuration from an adult as you have enter the name of your kid, his or her age, behavior and beloved ones. This information must be entered in Ask present menu for creation of personalised speech. In order to prepare surprise for your kid, you have to capture the image of your decorated living room. This app let your kids feel that Santa is near to them and knows everything about them.

Tell me Santa is quite easy to use and it has five menu options. These are:

Santa s Story: Santa Claus will create an amazing story for the kids. He will let kids know what he do all around the year and in making available the gifts that help him and what are the gifts available in his warehouse.

Ask presents: By studying the personal information about your kid, Santa Claus will prepare a personalised story and in the between Santa will ask kid about his desire for the Christmas gift. The app will open camcorder automatically for recording the video message. Later Santa Claus will take note about the wish list.

Surprise: A Christmas day Santa Claus will give him surprise by leaving a short movie or photo about how he has left the gift at home.

Christmas greetings: Christmas cards will be added in this option. Coming soon!

Configuration: Configuration is required to be done by the adult to set the app according to the kid. To give magical feeling to the kids, pass code will be provided. You will be able to watch the recorded movies of your kids, you can even share this movies with others and transfer it on your gallery. In Ask present list you can modify or change the name of your kids. In surprise menu you can take photo or select it from the gallery for background. Email and passwords can be changed, also.

No related posts.

Tablet forecast by IDC for 2012 and onwards

IDC analysts have shared their tablet forecast report for the year 2012 and onward. They have predicted that company will reach sales of 122.3 million units by the end of this year. This unit sale is much more than the previous forecast that was 117.1 million units. They have further anticipated that the sale of tablet will reach to 172.4 million units by 2013, previously forecasted as 165.9 million units. IDC research director, Mr. Tom Mainelli has explained reason behind changing prediction. He proclaimed this is because of the increased traction from the Android tablets and due to strong expected sales of Apple’s iPad mini and refreshed full sized iPad.The previous anticipation of sales was 261.4 million units worldwide by the end of 2016, which now has reached to 287.7 million units.

Mainelli has cited the names of solid products from Amazon, Google, Samsung and others when he was sharing his view about increased traction from Android. He proclaimed that tablet demand will amplify in fourth quarter and so on as market is encountering shift towards the smaller mobile size screen and lower prices.

In addition with the unit sales prediction, IDC analyst has also shared operating system share in the tablet market and forecasted that Android growth will increase. IDC is expecting that Android share will increase to 42.7% in 2012 from 39.8% in 2011. At the same pave, Apple has encountered little dropped out sales which are from 56.3% in 2011 to the 53.8% in 2012. In the long term, IDC believes that share of Windows 8 and RT will pull more market share from Android and iOS devices. It is expected that market share for Windows 8 and RT will shot from 1% of 2011 to 2.9% in 2012 and more than 10.2% by the year 2016.

Mr. Ryan Reith, program manager IDC mobile device tracker, believes that Android has taken full advantage from the breadth and depth of tablet market as it has already done in the smartphone space. In the emerging markets of low cost, Android tablets will enjoy growth and eliminate barriers of low cost production. In simpler words, Android tablets will enjoy captivating consumers where they cannot afford high costing iPads. These consumers will welcome Android tablets as they have done with smartphones.

Another reason for the expansion of tablet market is eRaader’s expense. IDC believes that Front lit eReaders from B&N and Amazon has captured interest of consumers. They further believe that consumers will still prefer the multi use of tablets instead of eReaders. Thus eReader’s sale will drop from 27.7 million units of 2011 to 19.9 million units in 2012.

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GarageBand for Mac Updated with MP3 Export, New Drummers, and More [Mac Blog]

Apple today updated GarageBand for Mac to version 10.0.2, bringing several improvements including the ability to export tracks in MP3 format and three new Drummer options in the $4.99 content pack.


What’s New in Version 10.0.2

– Improves stability and addresses a number of minor issues
– Adds the option to export songs as an MP3
– Contains multiple enhancements to Accessibility
– Includes 3 new Drummers and drum kits from the rock, songwriter, and R&B genres*

*Part of the one-time in-app purchase that includes the complete set of GarageBand sounds, loops, and drummers, as well as access to the GarageBand Lesson Store.

GarageBand 10 was introduced alongside OS X Mavericks last October and was part of a significant shift in Apple’s business model that saw all iLife and iWork apps for iOS and Mac devices become free for customers purchasing new devices. While the basic GarageBand app for Mac is a free download [Mac App Store], additional content such as virtual drummers, lessons, sounds, and loops are part of a $4.99 in-app purchase package due to licensing costs associated with the content.

Christian Bale Top Choice to Play Steve Jobs in Biopic Written by Aaron Sorkin

Director David Fincher, who is in talks to direct the Aaron Sorkin-scripted Steve Jobs biopic based on Water Isaacson’s biography, is hoping to cast Christian Bale in the leading role as Steve Jobs, reports TheWrap.

Though Fincher has not yet officially signed on to direct the film, he has allegedly said that he will take on the project if Christian Bale plays Steve Jobs. Bale has not been approached about the possible role, but he has reportedly been a front runner for the position due to his undeniable resemblance to Jobs.


While Steve Jobs is a long way from Batman, Bale has been considered a prime contender to play the tech superhero since the project was first announced due to his physical resemblance to the Apple co-founder.

Bale has not been approached to play Jobs yet, as the actor is taking a step away from the business to spend time with his family now that he has wrapped the role of Moses in Ridley Scott’s “Exodus,” which is expected to have him back in the awards conversation after “American Hustle.”

David Fincher, who may direct the yet unnamed biopic, was the director behind The Social Network, another Silicon Valley-based film that won three Academy Awards and was nominated for five more, including Best Picture and Best Director.

Sorkin completed the script for the upcoming Jobs movie back in January, and the film is said to take place across three continuous 30-minute scenes at three different Jobs-led product launches.

The movie, which is still in the casting stages, has no set launch date at the current time.