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Apple’s revolutionary iPhones help blind navigate a sightless world

“When visually impaired people gush over iPhones, they swear they aren’t just following the sighted onto the Apple bandwagon. The device isn’t simply the trendy choice for them. It’s pretty much the only choice,” Ben Wolford reports for The South Florida Sun Sentinel. “Out of the package, there’s nothing you need to see and no setup necessary. Just turn it on. There are GPS apps to help navigate, count currency and detect color. Meanwhile, the iPhone is competing with Braille, and nonprofit workers in Fort Lauderdale and elsewhere are offering classes on how to use it.”

“‘I’m not an Apple fanboy,’ said Eric Barrette, the technology specialist at the Lighthouse of Broward. Barrette, who is legally blind, teaches clients how to navigate all manner of technology,” Wolford reports. “Fanboy or not, Barrette is clear: ‘The iPhone is accessible pretty much out of the box, whereas the Android’ – the other big player in smartphone products – ‘requires a lot of setup from a person who can see,’ he said.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Same as with Macs vs. the Mac wannabes. Apple’s products have always been more accessible. It’s because Apple cares about more than just profits.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Lynn Weiler” for the heads up.]