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Lenovo Is Working On A Quadcore Windows Phone Phablet

Phablets are in demand since many users want something larger than a phone, but smaller than a 7 inch tablet. Samsung basically owns this market with its Galaxy Note devices, but they do have their competition.


Another New Nexus 7 Photo Revealed

We just saw a leaked photo of the new Nexus 7 tablet and now we have another one, this time showing the side profile of Google’s next Nexus 7 tablet.

The new Nexus 7 tablet is expected to be made official by Google this week, and it will apparently go on sale on the US before the end of July, with a possible release date of the 30th of July.

New Nexus 7

Leaked Best Buy ad has Nexus 7 release on July 30th

We’ve seen a few leaks so far that put the release date of the new Nexus 7 on the last day of July. However, a new leaked ad from Best Buy is pegging the release date on July 30th. Yeah, it is just one day, but with the excitement around this device, a day early is great news.

nexus 7 ad