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Cool Things: iPad Finger-Painted Caricatures at Macworld/iWorld

Macworld iWorld Caricatures

What’s cooler than going to Macworld/iWorld and having a personal caricature done as a keepsake for the event? Having the caricature finger sketched on an iPad of course.

And that’s exactly what was on offer at this year’s event – courtesy of Zach Trenholm. Trenholm worked as a celebrity caricaturist for the press for many years and now specializes in sketching live at special events. How great must that be to have that kind of talent and have that as your day job.

Hit the break to check out a couple of these impressive caricatures and the people who sat for them …

Zach Caricatures

Zach Caricatures 2

Trenholm created these using the Procreate app on an iPad 3. If I had the budget I’d go to Macworld just to have one of these done and see it done live.

For more information on Trenholm or to check out how to get him involved with your event, visit his website: