Tag Archive | itunes 11 delayed

Issues Force Apple to Delay new iTunes Refresh

At its iPhone 5 event in September, Apple announced a new version of iTunes. iTunes 11, which features an intuitive redesign along with new features. The software was originally supposed to come out shortly after the announcement, in October.

Yesterday, Apple announced that it was planning to delay the debut of its newest version of the iTunes software until November. Here’s what Apple spokesman Tom Neumayr had to say about the decision:

The new iTunes is taking longer than expected and we wanted to take a little extra time to get it right. We look forward to releasing this new version of iTunes with its dramatically simpler and cleaner interface and seamless integration with iCloud before the end of November

There’s no reason to think that this delay is related to Scott Forstall, who is no longer serving as Apple’s Vice President of iOS Software. iTunes 11 falls under the jurisdiction of Eddy Cue, so the date change is likely unrelated.

Here’s what we can look forward to seeing with the release of iTunes 11:

  • Redesigned mini player
  • New layout
  • Simpler playlist creation
  • Full library search
  • Enhanced iCloud integration
  • Better performance

[via All Things D]