Tag Archive | ipo

The NYT’s Nick Bilton Talks About His Book on IPO-Ready Twitter (Video)


I always like to indulge in a little logrolling in our own time, but this video interview I did with New York Times columnist Nick Bilton about his new book is pretty fun.

“Hatching Twitter: A True Story of Money, Power, Friendship, and Betrayal” officially comes out on Tuesday. But it is already being reviewed and munched over by many for its controversial stories about the founding of the San Francisco-based social microblogging phenom.

Including: Former CEO and co-founder Jack Dorsey fired! Former CEO and co-founder Evan Williams hired! Dorsey returns! Williams fired! Current CEO Dick Costolo hired! Costolo almost fired!

Essentially, it is like a Spanish telenovela over there at Twitter, except it’s all dudes falling in and out of bromances.

Bilton noted to me that it reads like a mystery novel, akin to the game of Clue. As in: Board member and VC Peter Fenton in the server room with a virtual hammer!

Since Twitter is going public this week – ya might have heard – Bilton’s timing could not be better.

Here’s my interview with Bilton, who showed up at my house in the Castro on Halloween night. (It is an annual costume apocalypse in my neighborhood, so this guy really wants to sell that book!)

Here’s the interview:

AllThingsD on TV: Ballmer, Google’s IPO and the Future of Personal Electronics

With Google celebrating the ninth anniversary of its IPO on Monday and Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer announcing plans to retire on Friday, this week was hardly short on news or AllThingsD staffers discussing it on various TV shows. Below, a quick rundown of our editors’ media appearances during the past week.

Mike Isaac showed up on CNBC Monday to discuss Google on the ninth anniversary of its IPO.

Lauren Goode appeared on Fox to discuss Yahoo topping Google as the most visited Web site in the United States last month.

Walt Mossberg joined “Nightly Business Report” to talk about Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer’s decision to retire.

Kara Swisher appeared on “CBS This Morning” Saturday, also discussing Ballmer.

Walt also showed up on The Wall Street Journal’s “Digits” program to talk about TiVo’s new Roamio service.

Finally, Walt joined CSPAN to discuss the future of personal electronics.