AllThingsD on TV: Ballmer, Google’s IPO and the Future of Personal Electronics

With Google celebrating the ninth anniversary of its IPO on Monday and Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer announcing plans to retire on Friday, this week was hardly short on news or AllThingsD staffers discussing it on various TV shows. Below, a quick rundown of our editors’ media appearances during the past week.

Mike Isaac showed up on CNBC Monday to discuss Google on the ninth anniversary of its IPO.

Lauren Goode appeared on Fox to discuss Yahoo topping Google as the most visited Web site in the United States last month.

Walt Mossberg joined “Nightly Business Report” to talk about Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer’s decision to retire.

Kara Swisher appeared on “CBS This Morning” Saturday, also discussing Ballmer.

Walt also showed up on The Wall Street Journal’s “Digits” program to talk about TiVo’s new Roamio service.

Finally, Walt joined CSPAN to discuss the future of personal electronics.

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