YouTube brings full-length movies to the UK

YouTube has been offering movies in the US for a long time that users can rent and watch right on the website. Those movies were only offered in the US and Canada until now. YouTube announced this morning that it would be offering movies for rent in the UK. UK fans appear to get the same Hollywood and British flicks that we get here in the States.

Movie fans in the UK can now join fans in the US and Canada in watching films like The Dark Knight, Reservoir Dogs, and new flicks like Hanna, Fast Five and Red Riding Hood. British classics like Monty Python’s The Meaning of Life and Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels are offered along with other films. UK fans can hit to see what is available to watch.

Fans can also check out YouTube Movie Extras with behind the scenes video for free. Other content includes cast interviews, parodies, clips, remixes and more. If you are a movie fan in the UK, you can start streaming the flicks today.

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