DIY Endangered Species Gadgets

Being eco-friendly with our technology can only do good for the planet and it makes you feel good. As gadget people we should take some responsibility to dispose of things properly. You figure if every gadget lover on the planet had even one less item to go into the ‘dead electronic stuff’ dump every year that we could start chipping away at the massive amounts of electronic waste in the world.

A very creative Italian designer decided to see if we can’t take more action to eliminate electronic waste, still get the features we need and remind us of our fragile world at the same time. The Eco DIY Collection from Eduardo Alessi presents 5 different gadget must haves in a unique and Earth-friendly format. Simply put, you receive your products as flat, 2D cardboard. Follow the instructions to fold it into shape, insert electronics (if included with your animal) and you are set. Five animals/devices make up the collection: elephant speakers, a giraffe lamp, a deer clock, rhino pen holder and owl magnifier bookmark. Electronics used in the units are energy efficient and do not use batteries. Prices range from $9.90 to $33.50 and are available through area+. If you want a simple, practical device that will help you be kind to Mother Earth check out Eduardo’s collection.

[ DIY Endangered Species Gadgets copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

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