Tag Archive | device technology

Concept interactive car windows.

How boring and uninteresting to sit in the back seat of a car and just look out the window. This can be corrected and revitalize dull stay on the road! With the ‘windows of opportunity’ (‘WOO’) project, GM collaborated with students in the ‘future lab’ masters course at bezalel academy of arts and design in jerusalem to transform car windows into interactive displays. Produced full scale functional prototypes of a rear passenger seat and side windows, using ‘eyeclick’ motion and optical sensor technology to transform the glass into an interactive surface on which they featured their game designs. Take a look at these 4 Projects. This technology can be used in the future.

Future technology Concept interactive car windows

‘pond’ seeks to increase interactivity not solely within but also among cars, letting users share music and messages with passengers of other vehicles via a networked interface. text can also be spun outwards to be read by any fellow travelers.

Future technology Concept interactive car windows

‘foofu’ is a high-tech take on drawing in window fog, providing a colourful backdrop for finger painting.

Future technology Concept interactive car windows

Future technology Concept interactive car windows

‘otto’, an animated travel companion, offers an educational experience by responding to the landscape, weather, and car performance, for example, moving more quickly as the car speeds up. the creature can also provide lights or be controlled in his environment via gestures.

Future technology Concept interactive car windows

‘spindow’ provides a realtime look at the window view of other users from around the globe.
passengers may select a city from a spinnable globe and then watch as that destination’s landscape is overlain on the window display over their own.

Future technology Concept interactive car windows

So how you like this concept? Really?

LG Finestra
Concept Transparent Smart Window
Innovative use of lasers in the display system
Apple future products


Minimalism A.I.O. PC

At this time, have become very popular PC A.I.O. But everyone wants them to be not only compact, but also multi-functional. In this project, you can use your computer for everyday work and entertainment..
The most expensive part are the step-less hinge & touch screen , we remove those parts and reduce other unnecessary appearance parts and trans the cost to the panel for better performance & larger size . Just change the position of stand . Only 3 main parts , front cover , back cover and stand , the stand also provide the wall mount holder function . The LED indicator , power switch , audio I/O , USB port can be combined on the same PCB . 21″ display size with PS3 . The hinge is a ratchet design , provide more steps and convenient usability . One can agree with this decision?

Future technology concept Minimalism  PC

Future technology concept Minimalism  PC

Future technology concept Minimalism  PC

Future technology concept Minimalism  PC

Future technology concept Minimalism  PC

Future technology concept Minimalism  PC

Future technology concept Minimalism  PC

Concept Smartball for Computer
Blackberry empathy
Concept Acer All-in-one PC
Phones of the future
Future technology inventions

Universal mobile device of the future

These a project that explores the manufacturing and material and potential applications of future flexible technology. Designer Callil Capuozzo introduced the concept of “The Future of Mobile Computing,” in which he tried to combine a smartphone, tablet, smart watches and glasses augmented reality into one.
External mobile computer of the future more like a tablet made of flexible material, which can easily folded and transformed into a smart phone. This device has the sensitive touch screen and high performance.

Future technology  Universal mobile device of the future

But, the most important thing, these presence of the flexible detachable the phone parts with a small screen that wraps around the head, turning in Google Glass. Such a device can bring many benefits to people. Now manufacturers think how implement this concept in life.
Designer Callil Capuozzo

Future technology  Universal mobile device of the future

Future technology  Universal mobile device of the future

Future technology  Universal mobile device of the future

Future technology  Universal mobile device of the future

Future technology  Universal mobile device of the future

Future technology  Universal mobile device of the future

Future technology  Universal mobile device of the future

Future technology  Universal mobile device of the future

Future technology  Universal mobile device of the future

Concept Tablet HTC
Concept device Just Flex It
Future concept of mobile computing
Relevo PC
Concept the flexible sensor
Future of Cell Phones
Future technology devices

DJ Cooke – concept kitchen future

You love music and can not do without it? It raises your mood? With this device it is possible if you are cooking for a long time and are away from your entertainment center! The DJ Cooker is optimized for this sensory duo with a built-in mp3 player protruding from the side of the hotplate. When you begin heating your ingredients you may select a track from the stored song library in the small peripheral disc. To the beat of that tune, the DJ Cooker shakes your dish to ensure that every diced morsel is evenly fried. Cooktop appliance comprises a single circular element with a knob in the center and a special frying pan that connects to it. The joint keeps the skillet perfectly centered and anchors it in place for a rather unexpected feature. You can download different kinds of music from the internet and install it to DJ Cooker. Listen, create or compose different rhythms while cooking. How do you like such an unusual idea?

Future technology DJ Cooke - concept  kitchen  future

Designer : Kevin Li Jinhui

Future technology DJ Cooke - concept  kitchen  future

Future technology DJ Cooke - concept  kitchen  future

Future technology DJ Cooke - concept  kitchen  future

Future technology DJ Cooke - concept  kitchen  future

Future technology DJ Cooke - concept  kitchen  future

Future technology DJ Cooke - concept  kitchen  future

Future technology DJ Cooke - concept  kitchen  future

Future technology DJ Cooke - concept  kitchen  future

Innovative LCD Induction Cooktop
Culinary cooking future
Smart power supply
New technology devices
Future technologies
MP3 Player Innovative Concept
Future music player 2020

Exotic iPhone: bracelet and signet

And how will look like cell phones in the near future? New form factors do not appear for a long time, but if the world is seeking a more comfortable gadgets, even mobile phones in the coming years can expect a rebirth. Predicts a small revolution in its futuristic concept iPhone Italian artist Federico Ciccarese. It turns out that wearing the iPhone in your pocket or purse is not too wise and no convenient. We must make sure that any sharp objects will not scratch the way the phone. Therefore, Federico proposes to carry iPhone in hand, the phone is made on the original design, it’s a cross between a bracelet and a glove.

Future technology Exotic iPhone: bracelet and signet

In order to secure the phone in the palm of your hand, you need to stretch between the fingers of metal (aluminum, I suppose) holders, the screen will fit comfortably on the back side. Specifications futuristic iPhone author did not mention, judging by the illustrations, screen size is three inches, with a matrix of class Retina its resolution of approximately 480 800 pixels. And, of course, there is a powerful processor Apple A5X, as posted on the front camera for video on the Facetime. The renderings look amazing, and we love the sci-fi look of the thing, but the creepiness and probable discomfort created by the legs make it a non-starter.
What do you think of Federico Ciccarese’s concept iPhone ?
Design Federico Ciccarese

In order to secure the phone in the palm of your hand, you need to stretch between the fingers of metal (aluminum, I suppose) holders, the screen will fit comfortably on the back side. Specifications futuristic iPhone author did not mention, judging by the illustrations, screen size is three inches, with a matrix of class Retina its resolution of approximately 480    800 pixels. And, of course, there is a powerful processor Apple A5X, as posted on the front camera for video on the Facetime. The renderings look amazing, and we love the sci-fi look of the thing, but the creepiness and probable discomfort created by the legs make it a non-starter.

you need to stretch between the fingers of metal (aluminum, I suppose) holders

you need to stretch between the fingers of metal (aluminum, I suppose) holders

In order to secure the phone in the palm of your hand, you need to stretch between the fingers of metal (aluminum, I suppose) holders

Future technology Exotic iPhone: bracelet and signet

Future technology Exotic iPhone: bracelet and signet

iPhone 5 Concept
Future of Cell Phones
Future of technology
Cell phone holograms


Virtual Keyboard in the housing fob

Typing on a touch screen 7-inch tablet is not very convenient, so size virtual keyboard is very modest. Carrying a keyboard, even a relatively compact and wireless, is also very uncomfortable. Such keyboard can worn as a pendant, along with the keys.
Of course, the keyboard-fob may not have a complete set of mechanical buttons, so here uses an interactive laser projection. Image of classic QWERTY-layout appears on any flat surface next to a Tablet PC, and set the text at once becomes more fun. And this keyboard connects wirelessly to Bluetooth.
The device is powered by a built-in rechargeable lithium-ion battery that is charged via the included USB-cable. When working with a smartphone or a modest 7-inch tablet, the benefits of such a keyboard is obvious, but the 10-inch tablet has a keyboard roughly the same size, so here the choice solely on the fan.

Future technology Virtual Keyboard in the housing fob

Future technology Virtual Keyboard in the housing fob

Future technology Virtual Keyboard in the housing fob

Future technology Virtual Keyboard in the housing fob

Future technology Virtual Keyboard in the housing fob

Virtual-Holographic Display
Innovative mobile keyboard
Foldable Silicon Keyboard
Concept Number keypad
TouchFire: silicone screen-top keyboard
Concept magic of future-Cube Laser Virtual Keyboard
Future technology

Concept Eco newspaper of the future

In order to reduce the production of paper and inks, was created the project “Eco-newspaper” of the future. Periodical press appears in the new capacity. Gadget is a pico projector, that creates text of fresh release favorite newspaper on the table. In order, to emphasize environmental quality this a concept gadget ,it uses bio-battery power. However, the principle of the device which was not disclosed. Iteresno very probably be reading a newspaper! Not it, right?

Future technology Concept Eco Newspaper of the future

Designer Shen Guo

Future technology Concept Eco Newspaper of the future

Future technology Concept Eco Newspaper of the future

Concept Green phone
Page E-Reader
Futuristic Gadget
Polaroid camera 2010

Innovative PowerDock 5

In the years, when the world was just getting ready for the appearance of iPad, the company Griffin has taken care about users iPhone and player iPod, and released the charging stations, that deliver charge just four mobile devices.
Much water has flowed under the bridge since then – a new connector Lightning, who complicated a life for owners of iOS-devices. In order to make the user’s life “apple” of smartphones and tablets easier, Griffin released a new generation charging station Griffin PowerDock 5. Novelty can simultaneously charge up to five devices Apple. These can be any models of players iPod, iPhone and tablet iPad. Station can provide up to 10 watts of power per channel.

Future technology Innovative PowerDock 5

Besides PowerDock 5 manufacturer has announced two products – PowerBlock Universal charger and PowerJolt Universal, which boast supporting ChargeSensor. The latter can automatically identify the required amperage and power the connected mobile gadget. PowerBlock Universal is designed to charge the device from the mains (input voltage 100-240 V, output power up to 10 W), and the PowerJolt Universal is the charger for car (12 V input voltage, power up to 10 W).

Future technology Innovative PowerDock 5

Future technology Innovative PowerDock 5

Future technology Innovative PowerDock 5

Future technology Innovative PowerDock 5

A portable solar panel
Health Technology Devices
Power Supply of the Future
Future mobile technology
Concept Chargers on street signs
Cellphone concept designed to be powered by solar energy

Concept the thinnest watches in the world

Company Central Standard Timing introduced the thinnest watch, made on technology E Ink. CST-01 looks similar to a metal bracelet, and their thickness is only 0.8 mm. Users can set or change the time with built-in docking station. A specially designed the battery can be charged from docking station just ten minutes and a watch will run for up to a month on a single battery charge. A life of battery is about 15 years.
Manufacturer has made such an incredible thickness of the gadget due to the special laminating flexible components and the use of steel. The main thing – do not cut yourself. Worn around the wrist like a bracelet, the CST-01 looks more like a fashionable accessory than a wristwatch.

Future technology Concept the thinnest watches in the world

For the financing of the project decided to hire the services of the public. Central Standard Timing company expects to collect two hundred thousand dollars on Kickstarter.

Future technology Concept the thinnest watches in the worl

Future technology Concept the thinnest watches in the worl

Future technology Concept the thinnest watches in the worl

Future technology Concept the thinnest watches in the worl

Future technology Concept the thinnest watches in the worl

Transparent watch 2lmx
Concept smartwatch truly intelligent watch
Hyt h1 liquid watch concept
Shot laser watch

Novelty – Concept «Smart” floor reproduces the virtual mirror a world

Some innovations start its way without cheers and the loud applause. That is, they are at first glance, do not represent nothing practical and useful. This creature may seem at first, too useless. But, it’s worth looking more closely. Meet – GravitySpace, interactive floor, which reflects the movement and physical features of the people standing on this floor.
A floor was developed at the Institute Hasso Plattner, Germany, with the support of Microsoft Research in Cambridge. Several applications for Gravity Space already demonstrated. Imagine instead of a floor – mirror screen area of 8 square meters, only his image in him can not be seen. A floor, who responds to pressure. A floor is a virtual mirror and depicts the computer “twins” of people who are on this high-tech floor. In this case fully simulated human motion in real time.. Glass floor uses a projector with high-resolution and infrared LEDs to detect steps and the entire facility. Then on the floor played your accurate copy. At this stage in the development of the floor a little “slow down”, but the tracking of movements will be improved over time, the creators.

Future technology Novelty - Concept Smart floor

Cooperation group also suggests that their creation in the future will help control household functions and can be used as a possible interface for gaming applications of the future. For example, a smart floor can take care for elderly or disabled persons. For example, the fall of man, (loss of consciousness), a screen responds and can call the nurse. Developers led by Patrick Baudisch Gravity Space plan to present this year – in April.

Future technology Novelty - Concept Smart floor

Future technology Novelty - Concept Smart floor

Future technology Novelty - Concept Smart floor

Concept Smart Highway
Computer + Mirror TV + Wi-Fi 4
Future touch screen technology
Concept samsung circle media player